
V7.13.0 - Image to layout generate FAQs sections same input and more

  • New
  • M
    Matthew Nguyen
  • on 29-09-2023

1. Image to Layout - Generate FAQ sections same as input URL/image

  • Now Image to Layout can help users generate FAQs same as input URL/image by using Accordion element
  • The system will generate FAQs sections to ensure they match the input image in terms of both the number and content of the questions in the FAQs. In addition, the system will also map text styles and width for the FAQs section.
  • Users can edit the FAQs sections before publishing it.
Image to Layout Generate FAQ sections

2. Generate background color for Hero Banner element

  • Now Image to Layout can generate background color for all Hero Banner element
  • For Hero Banners with background images, the system will convert it into a background color using the dominant color extracted from the background image