
V7.23.0 - Trash & Restore: Effortless Page Management

What's news

Trash & Restore: Ensure Your Pages Safety with Trash Restoration

  • In our latest update, we're excited to introduce the Trash feature, designed to enhance your content management experience. With Trash, you can move pages to a specific trash section instead of permanently deleting them.
  • This addition is a game-changer if you accidentally delete a page – it's not lost forever. Pages moved to the trash will be there for 30 days, giving you plenty of time to recover any content you might need later.
  • Plus, for our paid plan users, we've included the ability to restore trashed pages within this 30-day window.
GemPages Trash & restore pages

New setting for Hero Banner element

  • Help user create Hero Banner with Parallax effect, ensuring an engaging and visually dynamic web presence
  • Allow users to set border, corner & shadow for the Hero Banner
  • Additionally, revamped various settings to help users build Hero Banner easily that seamlessly adapts to a wide range of use cases.
GemPages new element Hero Banner
GemPages new element Hero Banner

This newly released feature is a reflection of your valuable feedback. We're committed to providing solutions that not only secure your content but also give you greater control over your website management. A big thank you to our GemPages community for your insights and suggestions – your input is essential in enhancing GemPages.

Stable Releases

  1. Improved loading speed in the Dashboard for a more efficient user experience.